Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

TN193: Behind the scenes of our ‘tandem’ journey and what we’ve learned along the way – With Michael Friedl



The reason I chose the name Tandem Nomads is because I believe that the key to succeeding in this nomadic journey as a dual career couple is to continuously remember that this is a team deal, both partners need to be fully involved to make it work. We should never consider one career to be better than the other, regardless of the income involved.I try to be open and transparent about my personal journey and how I do business. But there is one critical component that I have rarely talked about and that is the major role that my husband Michael plays in helping me in my career.In fact, without his continuous support and involvement in Tandem Nomads’ growth, I do not think I would have been able to come so far."You should be interested in what your spouse or partner is doing - there should be input on both sides."In this episode, Michael will share his side of the story, and tell you about the challenges and learning we have experienced along the way.Michael Friedl works at Advantage Austria and is the Austrian