

It is already quite difficult to keep up with our goals and grow our businesses when life is so busy, but it can get even more complicated when living abroad and moving from one country to another. Mariam Ottimofiore shares how she managed to commit to her goal, finish, publish and promote her book while going through a messy transition and moving with her family from Dubai (UAE) to Accra (Ghana). “I had to finish this, I owed it to myself!” Mariam Ottimofiore is a Pakistani expat who has spent the past 17 years living abroad in the US, UK, Germany, Denmark, Singapore, UAE and Ghana. She is an economist, writer, researcher, author and blogger at ‘And Then We Moved To’ in which she explores expat life, raising multicultural and multilingual children, and world travel. Her newly published book ‘This Messy Mobile Life; How a MOLA can help globally mobile families create a life by design’ (Summertime Publishing 2019) is the first book in the expat genre that ties in multicult