Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

TN112: Are you making conscious choices in your expat life? – With Katia Vlachos



Expat life can lead to a series of important decisions regarding your career, your portable business and also your personal life and family choices. If you are an expat spouse, you might feel that you do not have any other choice than to give up your career or live in countries where you are not happy. “It does not have to be only one conversation” In this episode, with Katia Vlachos, we discuss how to deal with this feeling of “not having the choice” and how to evaluate if you are indeed making conscious choices about your life and career on the move. Katia Vlachos is a researcher and policy analyst by training, with a Master’s from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the RAND Corporation. In the first chapter of her career, she worked for more than a decade as a researcher and defense analyst in the United States and Europe. In her second and current chapter, she followed her passion and built on her personal experience and extensive research to publish her book entitled A Great Move: Surviving and Thriving in You