

Do you want to create something for yourself but you don’t know what? Do you have a business idea or two but aren’t sure if they’re the right ones for you or where to start?  This is a special episode where I share the first two steps of the 10 step process.  Sundae Bean and I have created this framework to help you find the business idea that fits your dreams, needs, and lifestyle. A business really needs to be aligned with your life vision, values, purpose and lifestyle. If you don’t have a clear idea about it, then make sure to work on clarifying these elements first!  Starting a business can be very demanding.  Therefore, you need to make sure to build the right routines and systems to make it happen.  Be aware of the other obligations you might have in your life and how the business can impact your desired lifestyle. “Purpose is not a needle in a haystack that you have to find” – Sundae Bean For example, as expat partners or global nomads, it’s important to build a business model that’s portable.  A bus
