Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

TN93: 5 Lies You’re Telling Yourself About Making Money – Sundae Schneider-Bean



Money can be a dirty word for some people as we discover in this joint podcast with Sundae Schneider-Bean of the Expat Happy Hour podcast. But if you recognize and deal with the lies you might be telling yourself about making money, then you will feel more confident when starting your portable business. If you are guilty of telling yourself one, two or even all these lies: you are not alone. We see it with our clients and with others in the expat partner community. Sundae and I are happy to discuss and help you overcome these money blocks.“Money is just another word for value” – SundaeSundae Schneider-Bean an intercultural specialist and a solution-oriented coach, and host of the podcast show Expat Happy Hour. Sundae is a mother two third-culture kids and has lived overseas since 1998. She comes from the US and has lived in Switzerland, Burkina Faso and today lives in South Africa. She has helped individuals from over 60 countries go through transitions and change.