Tandem Nomads - From Expat Partners To Global Entrepreneurs! Build A Successful Business And Thrive In Your Global Nomadic

TN70: How to leave a legacy and be a great leader – Ruth Van Reken



In this episode, Ruth Van Reken shares her life story, how to leave a legacy and be a great leader.  Ruth is an American citizen and was raised in Nigeria. She is the co-author of the famous book among global families called Third Culture Kids: Growing up among Worlds.  A book designed to help TCKs, expat children and their parents with personal development and the identity issues that can arise from not belonging to one culture or one place.  She is also the author of Letters Never Sent: A global nomad’s journey from hurt to healing. She is also the co-founder of the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) organization, a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them.  It is a venture that started on a kitchen table and grew over the years with hundreds of members that connect across the world through its online platform and meet every year at the annual FIGT conference. Highlights from Ruth’s Episode on how to leave a legacy Why and how she started buildin