Trail Runner Nation

Ben Greenfield: easy tips to increase your fitness



Get out your dictionary and slow down the playback on your MP3 player!  Ben Greenfield, fitness expert and top ranked Iron-Man triathlete teaches about Cold Thermogenisis Exercise throughout the day How Fasting can help you turn your body into a fat-burning machine How to "Grease your Groove" The importance of breathing correctly Ben can be found on four of his own podcasts: Endurance Planet Git Fit Guy Ben Greenfield Fitness Rock Star Podcast You can also find other valuable articles and tools on many of his web sites: Ben Greenfield Fitness Quick and Dirty Tips Endurance Planet Pacific Elite Fitness Rock Star Triathlete Academy Super Human Coach Network Here are some of the links to information that we talked about Fasting e-book by Dr. John Berardi "Running on Air" book by Budd Coates Nose Breathing Benefits by Dr. John Douillard Cold Vest Power Lung Elevation Training Mask "Race Course in Review" by Vasque Running Shoes Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition    Check out the cool headl