

Letting Mentors Find YOU You've set a goal and are working hours to get what you want.  Why is everything moving so slowly? Larry was a mentor of mine when I was in my twenties. He owned a business, made an exceptional living, and, after hiring me to work for him, took me under his wing. It was a relationship that lasted for years - although I'm sure I didn't make it easy. That's the thing about being a young, bright-eyed dreamer with lots of talent and little patience. It's easy to see what others have, set an arbitrary date on a calendar, and expect everything to go your way. One day, I pinned Larry in his office and was making my best case for a raise. I was sure he had gobs of cash, and I deserved my share.  After all, I was 26 years old, so it was time that I had a big house and a fancy car like him. That's when Larry said something that changed everything - "Scott, sometimes you must keep showing up long enough for the right people to notice. Keep doing a good job, and they'll step up." Of course, Larry