Stuff You Missed In History Class

Johann Jacob Schweppe and the Rise of Carbonation



The desire to replicate natural effervescence led a lot of people to try to figure out how to carbonate water. But Jacob Schweppe was able to achieve brand recognition and establish a company that has endured despite early setbacks. Research: Burros, Marian. “Carbonated Water: More Than a Matter of Taste.” New York Times. April 27, 1983. Donovan, Tristan. “Fizz: How Soda Shook Up the World.” Chicago Review Press. 2013. Simmons, Douglas A. “Schweppes: The First 200 Years.” Acropolis Books. 1983. “Joseph Priestley.” Science History Institute Museum and Library. Laskow, Sarah. “The Great Soda-water Shake Up.” The Atlantic. Oct. 1, 2014. McCloughlin, Thomas. “Lost and Found: The Nooth Aparatus.” Volume 45, Issues 1–2. 2021,