Cary Chan




第三十章以道佐人主者,不以兵强天下。其事好还。师之所处,荆棘生焉。大军之后,必有凶年。善有果而已,不敢以取强。果而勿矜,果而勿伐,果而勿骄,果而不得已,果而勿强。物壮则老,是谓不道,不道早已。Chapter 30Whoever relies on the Tao in governing mendoesn't try to force issuesor defeat enemies by force of arms.For every force there is a counterforce.Violence, even well intentioned,always rebounds upon oneself.The Master does his job and then stops.He understands that the universeis forever out of control,and that trying to dominate eventsgoes against the current of the Tao.Because he believes in himself,he doesn't try to convince others.Because he is content with himself,he doesn't need others' approval.Because he accepts himself,the whole world accepts him.
