G2voice Broadcast

G2Voice #046 How to remove Vaccine and Medication toxins from your body to “restore health” (7-28-2017)



This week we are talking about how to remove Vaccine and Medication toxins from your body using the Genesis II church Sacraments.This Weeks newsletter: http://mmsnews.is/mms-newsletters/418-g2voice-broadcast-46-how-to-remove-vaccine-and-medication-toxins-from-your-body-to-restore-health-7-28-2017Upcoming Genesis II Church Seminars
• Sept. 22nd - 24th Santa Marta, Colombia – Spanish
• Sept.29th- Oct.1st Santa Marta – English
Note: If interested in either G2 Church Seminar please contact us by e-mail at: joseph@genesis2church.is to registerStarting Procedure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhCyJO1aVkEGenesis II Church Newsletter Subscription: http://genesis2church.is/Chlorine Dioxide Information: MMSWIKI: http://mmswiki.is/index.php/Main_PageHow CD works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaBURpoIWSo
BioFilms Killed by CD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM_mteWQrPg
Chlorine Dioxide for Pathogen Control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixk4mVJNotgG2Voice Website: G2Voice.is For Sacramental Products contact us at