G2voice Broadcast

G2Voice 013 How To Cure An HIV Positive Diagnosis With The G2 Sacraments 12-11-16



Todays episode we will be talking about HIV/AIDS. Where it came from and what protocols to use to restore your health from these Dis-eases. Also we will be showing you how to use the breathing protocol as another way to get Chorine Dioxide into the blood. This weeks newsletter: http://mmsnews.is/376-how-to-cure-an-hiv-positive-diagnosis-with-the-g2-sacraments-g2voice-broadcast-13-12-10-2016DonationsG2voice donation button: http://genesis2church.is/donateGenesis II Church Home Video course: http://www.genesis2church.is/courseReferences: • History of HIV/AIDS by Dr. Leonard Horovitz : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgiMqgjS-zM  • HIV Patent: https://adonis49.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/i-have-a-patent-for-creating-hivaids-virus-dr-robert-gallo/ He also holds the patent on the HIV tests!  • Film: House of Numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwgmzbnckII   • Strecker Memorandum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fevYSHQoeD4  • The Man-Made Origin of AIDS:Are Human and Viral Experiments Responsible For Unleashing