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Sam Mitchell - Podcaster, TEDx Speaker, Blogger, International Speaker



Envision yourself as a person who has a bright future, but then get diagnosed with autism at a young age, and you develop a lack of conversational skills when one of the requirements in society is discussing with someone. Now, I do not converse with any male or female easily because I have the tendency to talk about what I only want to, and it leads people the wrong way. I have never been able to figure out the reason, but at the end of the day, I brush the dust off, and I reclaim my territory. My voice is an attribute even though society may not agree. I have myself and others who would disagree with most of the human population. Each day before I go to bed I make sure that I lit my torch to know that I am here as well, so why are you not letting me in while giving me a chance at my redemption?When I am conversing with someone, the person who saves me from fainting is me. The reason is no one knows how I talk to someone one hundred percent as I go off-topic too much along with coming across as selfish by not