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Rupert Honywood interviews Michael on Look Forward Thursdays



Okay so a bit of self indulgence for you in this episode. I was invited by a previous guest and fan of the podcast, Rupert Honeywood of Business Growth Bureau to appear on his weekly live stream titled ‘Look Forward Thursdays’. This is my first speaking event since the start of the pandemic, so I said yes of course. Another opportunity to talk about my current passion, storytelling. We came up with a jazzy title ‘Your brain is wired for stories and how to implement this in your business’. We discussed the following 5 topics.1. How storytelling affects your brain 2. Research on the use of visuals 3. The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve 4. How you experience the Hero’s Journey 5. How to implement this in your business from tomorrowNow of course we discuss some visuals that I shared, which you can’t see on an audio podcast but if you head over to the show notes you will be able to see them all there for downloading. Anyway I hope you will find it useful and of course reach out if you hav