Share Your Story

Michael de Groot - Interviews with BBC Hereford and Worcester



I’m a Dutchman and I’m hugely passionate about storytelling.My quest is to enable small business owners become better storytellers and share engaging stories about themselves and their businesses.I do this through my own small business, Staying Alive UK, where we enjoy producing visually impactful cartoons and animation campaigns, engaging audiences and giving them a unique insight into an organisation’s story and value proposition. One of our future aims is to deliver these stories via Augmented Reality (AR) too. In addition we also deliver the ‘Share Your Story’ Storytelling Workshops online to help business owners develop their own story blueprint.I am the host and producer of the ‘Share Your Story’ Podcast, where I invite small business owners to share their own stories with the aim of inspiring new and existing business owners.In my personal time, I’m a student of Taiko Drumming, Yoga, Mindfulness Meditation and Minimalism. Just my own way of developing a more meaningful life.Website: /