Right Start Radio With Pastor Jim Custer

God Brings The Flood - Part 2 of 3



We're not setting dates... but we're smelling rain in the air. "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." With that statement Jesus seems to squelch all questions about the timing of His return. But does that verse stand alone, or can it be illuminated by other Scriptures? We'll go from the Ark, to Acts today - the book of Acts - looking for parallels. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, God Brings the Flood. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11052024_0.mp3Scripture References: Gene