The Too Busy To Eat Show

8: Barry Murray and reaching your full potential through nutrition



Barry Murray is a nutritionist who specializes in sports performance. He has a degree in Chemistry and later went on to get his Masters in Nutrition. After his Masters, he created his company, OptimumNutrition4Sport, and now helps athletes reach their full potentials. He works with cyclists, triathletes, and has great success delivering holistic advice to those looking to make positive changes. Barry’s Journey…2:55 - Barry has a degree in Chemistry but he got sick of the corporate world. He had always been interested in Nutrition so he quit his job and pursued his Masters in Nutrition. He is fascinated with how the body can run off of fat instead of carbs. What does a fat-adapted athlete look like?….4:55 - We have been ‘conned’ into thinking that sugar/carbs are the only thing that will help fuel us. However, the physiology shows that converting fats into energy is actually extremely efficient. Barry trains his athletes in a fasted state to increase the rate at which the body can convert fat into energy. He e
