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#112 The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time with Allen Gannett



Allen Gannett is the founder and CEO of TrackMaven, a marketing insights platform whose clients have included Microsoft, Marriott, Saks Fifth Avenue, Home Depot, Aetna, Honda, and GE. He has been on the “30 Under 30” lists for both Inc. and Forbes. He is the author of The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time. He is a contributor for where he writes on the intersection of technology and human nature. Previously, he was a co-founder and General Partner of Acceleprise Ventures, the leading SaaS startup accelerator. He was also once a very pitiful runner-up on Wheel of Fortune.   Our episode today is all about strengthening the creative muscle, ways to allow space for creativity, and how to handle fear in the face of creativity,   Allen shares his personal tips and strategies for developing creativity, the relationship of consumption to creativity, and how to surround yourself with doers.   Allen leaves listeners with the advice, “None of this stuff is crazy. All of thi