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#98 Ditch Your Average Job, Start an Epic Business, and Score the Life you Want with Daniel DiPiazza



Daniel is the founder of Rich20Something and author of Rich20Something: Ditch Your Average Job, Start an Epic Business, and Score the Life You Want. He built the company up from humble beginnings blogging away in his basement. His honest and incredible writing abilities caused his blog to “break the internet” exploding him into the spotlight getting him features in outlets such as Time Magazine, Fortune, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and Yahoo! Business. He has successfully started three consecutive freelance businesses and scaled them to over six-figures in revenue with ZERO startup capital. He makes sure the day-to-day at Rich20 is going smoothly, focuses on partnerships, strategy, and growth. Fun fact, he’s a Chipotle fanatic and loves Jiu-Jitsu.   Our episode today is all about how to block out the noise on social media, tips on taking a stand regardless of what other people say, and suggestions for respectfully disagreeing with other people without ruining relationships. Daniel shares his journey from