Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

#72 Screw Being Safe and Happy: Break The Mold w. Rajiv Nathan



Rajiv Nathan is a Indian-American rapper, yoga teacher, pitch consultant, and storyteller… not necessarily in that order. Growing confidence in becoming yourself, growing your influence, confidence, and doing what you really want to pursue in life. Raj and I start off with some deep conversation about becoming the people we want to be, and his journey through adversity, pursuing his passions in a world where Indian Americans became doctors, not rappers. We also have the college vs. no college debate, and I ask him whether he got more benefit out of his university education or from his yoga teacher training, or last startup venture that didn’t work out. I encourage all readers and listeners to live long lives and careers, be multi-passionate and pursue many things you love. “It’s not enough to do good, it must be done well.”