The James Altucher Show

How to become a Super-communicator | Charles Duhigg



A Note from James: ?Sometimes I think I'm a pretty good communicator, but sometimes I'm just awful. It's really important to have good skills at communicating - I've done lots of kind of communicating. I've been a public speaker. I've been in sales. I've been an entrepreneur. I've been a standup comedian and I've been a podcaster, but my biggest communications have been with writing and you really always have to put yourself in the shoes of the other person.Fortunately, I just read an incredible book - I highly recommend it -  called Supercommunicators by my good friend, Charles Duhigg. You've previously seen him on the podcast for Smarter Faster Better and his book The Power of Habit.All of his books have been great. But this one just blew me away. I invited him on the podcast. And I had a ton of questions for him. And here he is. Episode Description:The discussion navigates Charles Duhigg's transition from The New York Times to The New Yorker and how it shaped his perspective on communication. He introduces