The James Altucher Show

How to Speed Read - And When NOT To | Ask Altucher! EP06



Does your mind wander while reading a book? Do you have to go back pages and re-read because you have no idea what happened in the plot for a few minutes? Have you given up or lost your joy of reading because the task was too daunting?Today, James gives his tried-and-true method of speed-reading books to maximize the knowledge you retain and reduce the amount of time spent reading to a minimum. He gives practical examples for optimal efficiency based on the time you have available and breaks down why other speed-reading methods are less effective over the long haul.We also learn when NOT to speed-read and what is lost to the reader in those circumstances.After listening today, you'll want to head straight to the bookstore or library and knock out a few of the books from your bucket list that seemed impossible to comprehend beforehand.-----------What to write and publish a book in 30 days? Go to to join James' writing intensive!What do YOU think of the show? Head to JamesAltucherS
