The James Altucher Show

Who Are You: Brian Lawlor defied drug addiction, stripped search, and now Back to Music!



Over the years, I have interviewed hundreds of guests that came on to promote their books or promote their self-help habits. Now, the series, Who Are You, is an experimental series where I just interview strangers, people that I never met before, (or maybe my producer, Jay has met and recommended.)  to get them to tell their stories, their downfall, their recovery, their hero's journey!In this episode, I have on Brian Lawlor, a New Jersey-born musician, who was addicted to drugs when he was younger while still able to function. He told the stories where he got addicted, he was arrested, stripped search, tried really hard to get off drugs, but kept giving excuses and going back for it. He also told me about his bizarre adventure in China where he almost got detained!Listen to this episode, and tweet at me @jaltucher and Jay @jay_yow07 if you like this series, and if you or you know someone with interesting stories!If you like this series, please leave a review, likes, and subscribes on any podcast player of yo