The James Altucher Show

346 - Nell Scovell: From Old to Original: How to Take Tired Ideas and Make Them New



Nell Scovell had a dream career working in television. She's worked on every classic I can remember. And she even created a show, "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." She took tired sitcom plots and put them through what she calls a "magical blender." And out came something original. She told me how her ambition to be a prominent female television writer gave her these amazing opportunities that us men can only dream of. And how being on the sidelines gave her the confidence to lead a team to success.   Links and Resources Just the Funny Parts... And a Few Hard Truths About Sneaking into the Hollywood Boys' Club  by Nell Scovell Follow Nell on Twitter + Facebook   Also Mentioned Murphy Brown Monk It's Garry Shandling's Show The Muppets Charmed Late Night with David Letterman Sabrina the Teenage Witch, created by Nell 90210 Bewitched I Dream of Genie Coach with Craig T. Nelson The Simpsons Seinfeld Curb Your Enthusiasm A Thousand Clowns, the play by Herb Gardner The Cosby Show Newhart The Buttoned Down Mind of Bob N