The James Altucher Show

320 - Steve Scott: How to Make $50K a Month Writing From Your Couch



This podcast episode is action packed. It's not philosophy. It's action. It's HOW to actually get to the top of Amazon's best seller list, how to get an idea for your book, how to create daily writing habits, etc. Steve Scott has written 70+ books. And each one generates income. He makes 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars A MONTH! He's been on the podcast before. And broke it all down. I brought him back again to give us more details. More inspiration. Because if you didn't act then, it's okay. You can act now. Show Notes: "Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less" by SJ Scott Visit Steve's websites: Steve Scott's Facebook group "Authority Self-Publishing" Listen to my first interview with Steve Scott - Ep. 23 - How To Go From $0-$40,000 a Month Writing From Home "Deep Work" by Cal Newport "Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg My interview with Charles Duhigg pomodoro technique "The Accountability Manifesto: How Acc