The James Altucher Show

318 - Paul Mecurio: Scary, But Not Impossible… Leaving the Job You Hate for the One You'd Love



Wait! Before I say "comedian." Let me tell you who Paul Mecurio really is. He's a transformer. A true re-inventor. He started out at as a lawyer on Wall Street. Because it was logical. And he got used to making 2, 3... 4 million dollars a year (after bonuses vested). It was hard to give it up... at first.But he still made little efforts. And those efforts add up. Overtime Paul stopped taking notes in meetings. He wrote jokes instead. And then one day he got a chance to meet Jay Leno. And he started living a double life. If the senior partners knew what he was doing, they wouldn't tolerate it. He'd be out. Immediately. This was a gamble. But it was worth it... Show Notes: Jay Leno The Daily Show The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Stand up NY Comedy Cellar Paul Koestner - Louis CK's cinematographer The Hudlin brothers (Warrington Hudlin and Reginald Hudlin. Reginald wrote "Black Panther: Power," directed "Marshall" and produced "Django Unchained.") Spike Lee ("25th Hour," "He Got Game," "Do The Right Thing," "M