The James Altucher Show

304 - Dov Davidoff: Vulnerability is Good. (It Can Set You Apart)



It's easy to just be an entertainer, but it's a lot harder to be an artist. Dov Davidoff is learning this. And he taught me how he's figuring out how to use his vulnerabilities to his advantage. To set him apart. For him, humor is a way of telling the truth (in an odd sort of way). I'll explain. The truth can be hard to hear. Even if it means trashing your wife on stage. This is Dov's interpretation of comedy. And here's how your vulnerabilities can be used to your advantage... Show Notes: "Road Dog: Life and Reflections from the Road as a Stand-up Comic" by Dov Davidoff The HBO Series, Crashing The NBC Series, Shades of Blue Dov plays characters on both shows! Also Mentioned Gotham Comedy Club Sanford and Son Stockholm Syndrome The 40 Year Old Virgin Freaks and Geeks The George Lopez Show Roseanne Cheers Friends The Comedy Cellar The Village Underground "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging" by Sebastian Junger   Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altuc