The James Altucher Show

Ep. 297 - Rich Roll: Surrendering Does Not Mean Failure



"If you were on the outside looking in you'd probably think, 'This guy's got a really good life.' And on paper I did, but on the inside I felt like I was dying. I was depressed. I was unenthusiastic about my life because I knew I was in a career that was ill suited to me. But I just couldn't see my way out of it," Rich Roll said. He told be about the time he felt a tightness in his chest. He couldn't walk up the stairs. He had to take a break halfway up the flight. Rich was 39 and dying. Rich and I talked about his story before... how he transformed himself from a depressed and overweight alcoholic to a plant based, vegan eating, mega athlete / bestselling author / podcaster / writer and total peak performer. But THIS time we dove even deeper. "I was trying to force this round peg into a square hole for most of my life," he said. I wanted to understand the switch that led him to himself... He told me his secret. And I believe him. "Surrender." He went to rehab. And got help for a problem he couldn't handle on