The James Altucher Show

Ep. 289 - Amy Morin: The Easiest Side Hustle You Can Start Right Now



You may remember Amy, she came on my podcast a few weeks ago. We discussed her book, "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do." I asked her why is it a book about what people DON'T do instead of SHOULD do. It seemed counterintuitive to me. But her reasoning made sense. The book wasn't written for other people. It was actually just a letter to herself at first. And then she put it online. And it became viral... that led to a book deal. The podcast was really popular. But I feel like you didn't get the full story... Amy's not just an author, therapist, social worker/mentally strong person. She's also an entrepreneur. She was making money in her sleep... "I've always had some sort of a side hustle usually something fun or strange," she said. I knew immediately I needed to have her back on the show. I wanted her to  share this with my listeners. Because these are "choose yourself" ideas. Simple, easy to execute, and anyone can do it.   "I had a friend who had a jewelry store," Amy said, "so I knew the markup
