The James Altucher Show

Ep. 277 - Griffin Dunne: Never Doubt, Just Do: How to Follow Your Gut



I wish they'd send Joan to space. She's a real writer... who wrote about true things. I want her to describe the feeling and the wonderment of what life would be like. But they don't send writers to space. Only scientists (for now). Joan Didion pioneered a new genre in writing: "creative nonfiction." Before her, storytelling and nonfiction never touched. They were separate. She's one of my all time favorite writers. And I spoke to her nephew, Griffin Dunne, a filmmaker, director, producer, actor... And now, he's a documentarian. "Every family has it's tragedy," I said. "But not everybody dives into that tragedy decades later to re-explore it." The documentary is about his aunt Joan Didion. "Was it painful for you to go through every piece of tragedy in your life?" I asked. You don't usually see directors or documentary makers making a movie about somebody so personally close to them. "I think she knows that I love the people that we lost," Griffin said. "We're the last two standing in the family. I think when