The James Altucher Show

Ep. 237 - Scot Cohen: The Best Networker in the World. PERIOD.



Scot Cohen is the best networker on the planet. I have never seen anything like it. And he used that skill to make tens of millions of dollars, not only for himself but for many others.   I wanted him to explain, in detail, how.   But first:   I'm sorry, Scot. I am really, truly sorry. I am horrified at my behavior. A year of bad behavior.   Imagine: you owe someone a phone call and you say to yourself, "Ok, I'll call tomorrow".   And then tomorrow you say, "Well, maybe tomorrow".   And then you delayed so much you feel awkward about calling. Because you know you have to apologize and you hate confrontation.   Stupid, right?   Let's make this even worse: the person you have to call back has been incredibly generous to you. In fact, he let you stay in his apartment for three months for free. You've worked together for 14 years and he's one of the most successful investors in NYC. And then you did this for no reason.   I'm an idiot.   ---   The day I threw out all of my belongings  and gave up my apartment I wa