The James Altucher Show

Ep. 226 - Jon Morrow: He made half a million dollars in 9 months. This is what kept him motivated



Jon is paralyzed from the neck down. He couldn't crawl. "My mom noticed I was dragging my legs," he said. The doctors said he'd die at age two. But he felt like he had something to contribute to the world. So he became unstoppable. He started writing for free. "I couldn't be paid," he said. If he earned a decent income, Jon would lose his Medicaid. His reputation as a writer grew. So he started consulting. And made 30,000 dollars in 24 hours. "At first, I charged $99. And 300 people signed up." He raised his prices. Then built online courses that taught people how to guest-blog and started another "premium" consulting service. "I made half a million dollars in 9 months," he said. The work lets him pay his own health benefits and live life for himself. Now, Jon Morrow is the CEO of SmartBlogger. He helps bloggers increase traffic, improve their writing, and make money. Jon believes any limitation can be overcome, although not easily. His story continues to inspire thousands around the world. Shortcuts -  [23:0