The James Altucher Show

Ep. 220 - Matt Mullenweg: Do You Have Your Own Internal "Code"



I have a rule. After every podcast, I write down 10 things I learned. I don't know if anyone else does this. Do you do this? Some people make illustrations. They send me what they've learned. It's a creation of a creation of a creation. A drawing of a podcast of someone's life.   But I broke my rule. It's been over a month. And my brain is digging for the lessons from my interview with the creator of Wordpress. I think I have Alzheimer's. Matt was 19 years old when he started Wordpress. It was 2003. Now gets more traffic than   The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times both use Wordpress. I use Wordpress.   I wanted to know if it's still worth the time and effort to make your own site. He said it is. That's how you break out...   "We're trying to revitalize the independent web," Matt Mullenweg said. He's 33 now. "It's not like these big sites are going anywhere. They're fantastic. I use all of them, but you want balance. You need your own site that belongs to you... like your ow
