The James Altucher Show

Ep. 213 - A.J. Jacobs: How to Connect With The Greatest Network in The World



My first podcast is 24 minutes long. It's just me. No guest. The topic: "Why College Is a Waste of Time." Then I did one about my book "Choose Yourself." One week later, I got 30 minutes with Robert Greene. Then an hour with Tucker Max, an hour with Gary Vaynerchuk, and an hour with AJ Jacobs. A month later I interviewed Dr. Wayne Dyer. Two months, Arianna Huffington. Six months, Mark Cuban. I didn't have an editor or a microphone. Three years later everyone has (or should do!) a podcast. It connects me with people I never thought possible. Or in AJ Jacobs' case, it connects people with family they didn't know existed. That's the theme of his new podcast, "Twice Removed." "The good news is once you realize that everyone is family, you can just choose," AJ said. "So you're not stuck. You've got the whole world to choose from." His first guest was Dan Savage, the sex columnist for "The Village Voice." In the other room, AJ had a secret guest, a relative 41 degrees removed from Dan. Along the way, AJ unravels th