The James Altucher Show

Ep. 182 - Caleb Carr: The Curse of Knowledge



By the time you finish reading this, everything I'm about to tell you will already be over. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Caleb Carr was beaten as a child. His father, Lucien Carr, was an Ivy League boy, friends with Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. They were the rebels of society. Known as The Beat Generation. But Caleb reminded me of their other legacy... "My father gets arrested for murder. Jack gets arrested for accessory because he helped hide the weapon..." "And then Burroughs, of course, shoots his wife down in Mexico." "My father's murder case gave their movement a type of darkness and gravitas it wouldn't have otherwise had." --- "All of these cycles, all of these abusive things are cyclical," Caleb said. His father didn't get the help he needed. He didn't get the help he needed. "It's one of the reasons I never had children myself." I didn't understand at first. Caleb has the awareness. He understands the cycle. So I asked, "Don't you think if you had children, yo