The James Altucher Show

Ep. 179 - Steve Kotler: Tomorrowland: The Future is Rich (in Possibility)



Beautiful women with laser boobs. If you asked me "What's Playboy's future," that would've been my guess. But then I spoke to Steven Kotler. I asked him, "When are we going to start 3D printing houses and cars?" This was 7 or 8 months ago. But I was too late. China 3-D printed ten homes in two days. And they were cheap. $5,000 a home. Then they 3-D printed a mansion. And a five-story apartment complex. The future is rich in possibility. "We're here," Steven said. "It is really really real." "Today, for the very first time in history, pretty much anyone can have a global impact," Steven said on today's podcast. So I asked him, "If I'm sitting in my cubicle or I'm driving to work and I'm listening to this, how can I improve my life?" He told me about a woman in her 30s who graduated from Harvard, lived with her parents and couldn't get a job. So she disrupted the $256 million a year cosmetics industry. She combined a standard inkjet carton with a 3-D printer. With bio-degradable ink, she can print any type of m