The James Altucher Show

Ep. 166 - Brian Grazer: How a Curious Mind Creates An Original Idea



"Imagine... If you had suddenly learned that the people and the places and the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse- had never been." I was in LA at Imagine Entertainment. It's Brian Grazer's studio. He produced A Beautiful Mind, 8 Mile, a bunch of Jim Carrey movies. He's worked with Eddie Murphy and produced my favorite TV series, Arrested Development. "I bought the book A Beautiful Mind with the thematic intention of trying to make a movie that would help de-stigmatize mental disability," he said. So he created an alternate reality. And he's done this in his own life. "You see, the nightmare of schizophrenia is not knowing what's true," the psychiatrist said in A Beautiful Mind. He was talking to John Nash's wife as she watched her husband get electroshock therapy. She loved a schizophrenic man. A brilliant man. She let me him keep his delusions. They weren't real. But what's the harm? Nothing. Unless you almost drown your baby. He won the Nobel Prize. And I cried. His mind broug