The James Altucher Show

Ep. 165 - Dr. Ron Paul: Create Wealth and Freedom by Voting for Yourself



"You're scaring me now," I said. "Don't scare me." I was laughing. But I meant it. The news, the doom and gloom, the fear, it makes fresh air turn to vomit. Chunky streams of acid. I bet Ron Paul has thin stomach lining. We were talking about freedom. And if there's any left. I usually ignore all the doom and gloom. That's what works for me. But we talked about opportunities, hope, trends, the innovation economy.  And freedom. "I don't even like politics. I did it only because I could get a voice out there telling people what was going on, what you need to do, and what the substitute has to be. Believe me, we're going to have a chance," Ron Paul says on today's podcast. Did you hear that? "We're going to have a chance..." I like that. If you pay attention, you'll see the future is already here.  What does that mean for you? I don't know. Maybe you'll go to space or make millions investing in robotics. You have thousands of new opportunities to create your own wealth and freedom. And you can start right now.