The James Altucher Show

Ep. 100 - T. Harv Eker: Secrets of the Millionaire's Mind



We all have what Eker calls your "money blueprint." You've been taught to think the thoughts you think. If you were taught bad habits, then you may be programmed to continue to follow with bad habits throughout your life. And when you realize this, you can make a profound change in your life. From a very early age, Eker wanted nothing more than to become a millionaire. He tried so many different businesses to try to get there. Every one of them failed. What he eventually realized was that he had to focus on what he loved. He borrowed $2,000 on his credit card and started one of the first retail fitness stores. His vision wasn't one store; it was a chain of stores. "Create a model, systemize it, and then duplicate it." He finally found success and sold this business to a much larger company. But as fate often has it, the skill set that he had to grow the business was not the same skill set he needed to manage his millions. He realized he still needed to grow. There was something missing. So the research began