Court Junkie

Ep 34: The Strange Saga of Kelly Cochran



It all started with a missing persons report that was filed on October 27, 2014. Christopher Karl Regan hadn't been seen for two weeks and his friends and family were worried about him. The main suspect in his disappearance was Kelly Cochran, a married woman he had been secretly dating. But did Kelly really kill him, or did her husband have something to do with it? Please consider supporting Court Junkie with as little as $3 a month via Help support Court Junkie with $6 a month and get access to bonus monthly episodes. Follow me on Twitter @CourtJunkiePod or Instagram at CourtJunkie. Music in this episode by: periculum by Kai Engel - Astrisx by Blue Dot Sessions - Break Through by Pictures of the Floating World - Determination by Borrt