The Reboot Podcast

Reboot Extras #2: Co-Founder Conflict with Dan Putt & Jay Acunzo (Traction Series)



A few weeks ago, we released our first Reboot Extras in collaboration with NextView Venture’s Traction Podcast. Today we’re happy to bring you part 2 of that conversation. In today’s Reboot Extras, NextView’s Jay Acunzo really takes on the role of a skeptic (and plays it quite well). He challenges Dan with a question that we sometimes hear from founders and startup leaders: “Does the soft, interpersonal and relational stuff really matter?” Or the more common form of pushback: “yes, yes, I know I should think about that stuff - but I’ll do that when we’re further along and I have more time.” It’s the idea that if I’m not seeing a measurable impact on my bottom line RIGHT NOW by investing in the health of my team and co-founder relationship, then how can it possibly be worth my time? [Spoiler: The best time to do this type of work? Now.] We also explore several big challenges facing founders in an effort to debunk the myth that the “soft stuff” is less important than the “harder” skills we typically hear more a