Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

Six Ways to Find Your Own Best Version of “Me Time”



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today we’re wrapping up our review of our big winter bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Making Me Time. It seems like Me Time was a hot topic during the pandemic as people realized that self-care matters—work/life balance, finding that equilibrium in your life, that time to pursue your passions or hobbies or exercise or just close your eyes and think. Our book basically presented 101 different ways that our writers found their best form of Me Time, and today I’m going to share six of those with you—six ways to incorporate “me time” into your life. And if these don’t work for you, I’m sure they’ll get you thinking about your own best path to that critical time for yourself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit