Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

How to Get the Most from Your Life with a Dog



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with a little Chicken Soup for the Soul inspiration for you, and today I’m wrapping up our tour of our latest bestselling book of dog stories, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Dogs. There truly is something magical about dogs—their natural joy, resilience, and protectiveness are so often combined with affection, intuition, courage, and a lot of intelligence. They keep us company, act as our therapists, provide unconditional love, and share in the ups and downs of our lives. Our dogs make us better people. If we rescued them, they rescue us back. If we’re sad, they comfort us. If we need to have more fun, they show us how. They are our protectors, our role models, and our best friends. The magic of dogs has been in full force during this COVID-19 pandemic, as they have risen to the occasion and helped their homebound human families. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit