Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

It's Time to Open Your Last Present, the Gift of Forgiveness



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today I want to talk about your last holiday gift—the one that you may not have opened yet. This is the one that may make all the difference to you in the New Year—and that is the gift of forgiveness. You know I always said that our writers who were cancer survivors had some amazing insights—they had achieved the kind of clarity you get when you have to focus on what’s essential—and so I wasn’t surprised when I finished my cancer treatment nine months ago and I had some insights of my own. One of them was about removing toxic thinking and emotions, and how we can do that. And that’s why I put our book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Forgiveness Fix, on our schedule. It came out half a year later and it was a big bestseller for us coming into the Christmas season and continues to be a big hit in the new year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit