Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

FRIEND FRIDAY – Brian Reynolds, World Record-holding Double Amputee Runner, Explains How We Can All Achieve Our Personal Best



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark and it’s Friend Friday on the Chicken Soup for the Soul podcast. Today I’m talking to Brian Reynolds, a world record-holding double amputee runner. And yes Brian has broken the world record time for marathon and half marathon for double amputees in the past two years, but there’s more to his story than that. This is a story of resilience and fortitude and persistence and optimism that started at age 4. Brian tells this story in our new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Running for Good, and today he’s going to share more, including his tips for all of us on getting out there on a regular basis and running or walking our way to fitness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit