Stand Out

Unmute - Painless Virtual Communication



The past two years have reshaped the way we communicate with each other, and today we’re going to be tackling the hyper-relevant topic of Zoom Doom! Our principal point of connection these days is through a screen and many of us are simply exhausted by it. The phenomenon of virtual communication isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and joining us today to dissect the causes and provide solutions for the dreaded Zoom fatigue is communication expert, Lauren Sergy. Lauren has recently published a new book, Unmute!: How to Master Virtual Meetings and Reclaim Your Sanity, and today she shares her findings with us, as well as some astute advice for navigating the world through your webcam. In this episode, we delve into how we should be showing up in a virtual space and how to manage our energy so that we can show up for others and maintain connections. We find out how we can use the medium to its full potential, acknowledge its distinctions, and ensure that it is approached with intentionality and inclusivity. Lauren