Pwc's Cfodirect Podcast

Gross versus net revenue: Is your company the principal or agent?



Did you enjoy this episode? Text us your thoughts and be sure to include the episode name.This episode begins a podcast miniseries on revenue topics with a discussion of principal versus agent (PvA) or “gross versus net” revenue. In other words, the principal in a transaction records revenue on a gross basis and the agent records revenue net. The PvA analysis can be subjective but it's important to get it right as it can materially impact a key line item in the income statement, revenue from contracts with customers.In this episode, we discuss:2:00 – An overview of the PvA model and reporting impacts8:45 – Key considerations in the PvA analysis9:50 – Assessing control16:25 – Challenges in applying the PvA analysis to specific arrangements, including:16:59 – Healthcare services24:15 – Payment processing30:12 – Additional reminders relating to the PvA analysis and related disclosuresFor more information, read chapter 10 of our Revenue guide. Additionally, follow this podcast on your favorite podcast app fo
