Crime In Sports

#108 - The Crown Prince Of Violence - The Excitableness of Ryan Gracie



This week, we look down the barrel of a lunatic, with a man who never saw a street fight that he could resist being a part of. He loved ladies, booze, drugs, violence, and an overall instability of life, that lead him down a familiar, but even crazier path. His family was legendary, and was essential to bringing MMA to worldwide prominence... Also, for putting out many a wild person into the world. But out of all the wildness, running through a family of fighters, our guy was the wackiest! Enjoy!!Challenge everyone you see to a street fight, bite someone's ear off, and carjack an elderly man with a butcher knife with Ryan Gracie!!Check us out, every Tuesday.We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comFor Tickets To Upcoming Live Shows...Go to for tick
