The Competitive Edge

Quantum Physics Reveals Magic Is Real: Top Scientist Dean Radin Shares Evidence



Dr. Dean Radin, is a renowned scientist, author, and Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the author of bestselling books like Real Magic and The Consciousness Universe. He has dedicated his career to exploring the boundaries of mind-matter interaction, with his research published in over 100 academic journals and presented worldwide. In this conversation we examine the scientific evidence for abilities that could fundamentally transform our understanding of what it means to be human. Many of us sense there's more to reality than our materialist paradigm suggests, the scientific evidence for phenomena like telepathy and precognition remains poorly understood. While many dismiss magic as mere superstition, quantum physics increasingly suggests our consciousness may directly influence reality in ways ancient traditions described. His research helps bridge the gap between esoteric wisdom and cutting-edge science. For full show notes: (0