Bulletproof Radio

Upgrade Your Keto Thinking – Steven Gundry, M.D. – Best of 2022



IN THIS “BEST OF” EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™…… Steven Gundry, M.D., explains that ketones aren’t the fat-burning molecules you think they are. Ketones actually work to enhance health, weight loss, and longevity by acting as signaling molecules that stimulate your mitochondria. A cellular process known as “mitochondrial uncoupling” happens. He debunks common myths about keto in his newest book, “Unlocking the Keto Code: The Revolutionary New Science of Keto That Offers More Benefits Without Deprivation,” and shares eight “keys” that unlock the keto code: Intermittent fasting or time-controlled eating PolyphenolsDietary fiber Fermented foods PolyaminesCold temperaturesHot temperaturesRed light therapyUpgrading your nutrition with keto gets even simpler in this conversation that gives you real food examples of how to ignite your mitochondrial uncoupling process without a monotonous, limiting, high-fat diet.SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LIS